Cape Elizabeth High School Library

APES Summer Work 

Description of Assignment

Resources for Articles:

Use the CEHS Library Database Password List to access the resources at home

Resources for Books:

Take a moment to browse the library collection this year and check something out for over the summer. When picking a book make sure it is something you will enjoy. Read the first few pages before deciding to take it home over the summer.

Dewey Decimal sections to browse:

Click here to search for physical books in the Cape Elizabeth High School Library. Log in with your school Google account to place books on hold or to make lists

eBooks and Audiobooks

Open Sora on your school device and select Cape Elizabeth Town Schools as your library. Log in with your computer username and password. You can use this app to listen to audiobooks or read eBooks.

Join the CEHS Any Book Club!

What is an Any Book Club? It is a club that meets Wednesdays during AP to discuss books, have a snack and maybe do a craft together! You can read any book you want before the meeting. We will get together and talk about what we are reading. Read what you want! 

Interested? Click here to join the Google Classroom!