Library Class Guides

APES Summer Work 

Description of Assignment

Resources for Articles:

Use the CEHS Library Database Password List to access the resources at home

Resources for Books:

Take a moment to browse the library collection this year and check something out for over the summer. When picking a book make sure it is something you will enjoy. Read the first few pages before deciding to take it home over the summer.

Dewey Decimal sections to browse:

English 9: Intro to Online Research

Day 1

Choosing what to believe online. Who is behind the information?

Day 2

Day 3

English 10: Sula Research 

Newspaper Archives:

When searching these archives remember to limit results to the time period you are responsible for. 

Downloading the results as PDF files will result in a clearer image for your collage. 

When searching you can combine terms by using AND between your terms. You can search for synonyms by linking them with OR. Searching for a phrase in "quotation marks" will return results for that exact phrase. 


Year ranges to search:


Google Doc with some potential search terms

How to Search Google Docs:

ELO Science Research

The CEHS Library can get resources not available right now though interlibrary loan. This includes books as well as journals and papers.

Links for literature review:

International Science and Engineering Fair Abstract Database

Google Scholar - Searches academic papers of variving topics. Some things found here may have to be requested though interlibrary loan. 

Gale Science in Context (Advanced Search)

JSTOR (Advanced Search) - Be sure to filter your search to your specific discipline. Jstor has articles to support many different fields of study. Using filters will help to limit the amount of time you have to spend filtering though results.

Resources though Maine Digital Library:


NoodleTools is a citation and research helper provided by the CEHS Library. This resource will help you format citations in APA format as well at provide you a place to take notes. Projects can be shared with your teacher.

English 10 LOTF Inspired Research

English 11 The Things They Carried 

Project Description

Newspaper Archives:

When searching these archives remember to limit results to the time period you are responsible for. 

Downloading the results as PDF files will result in a clearer image for your collage. 

When searching you can combine terms by using AND between your terms. You can search for synonyms by linking them with OR. Searching for a phrase in "quotation marks" will return results for that exact phrase. 

You will be using NoodleTools to create a works cited for this project


Year ranges and terms search

1965 - 1975  -- Weapons of war - chemical warfare 

1965-1971 - American prisoners of war

1965 - 1980 - At home: protests

1965 - 1975 –morale among American troops; drug use among American soldiers

1965 - 1972 –Medical care in-country and the role of nurses, medics and doctors

1965-1972 --The draft: who was drafted; legal and illegal ways to avoid being drafted; statistics or demographics on draftees

1965 - 1975 -- healthcare and health issues (physical and mental) for returning veterans 

1979 - 1982 – The Vietnam Memorial

English - City of Thieves by David Benioff: Primary Sources (Monsters and Madness)

French/Spanish III: Country Research

Psych of Growth & Development - Psychology Theories

Project Description

Website Links: 

Library Links:

USH Policy Paper

Link to assignment

Book Resources:

To find book resources use the Library Catalog. Search keywords relating to your topic. Avoid typing full sentences and stick to one or two key words. Make sure that your book is checked in at in the library before going to look for it in the shelf. 

CEHS Resources:

Click here for some help searching with databases. 

Check the Database Password List to see how to access these resources

Maine Digital Library Recommendations: 

Maine News (ProQuest) - A variety of Maine-based newspapers

Opposing Viewpoints in Context

USH Policy Paper (Jordan)

Print resources are on a cart in the classroom 

Recommend CEHS Digital Resources 

Maine Digital Library Recommended Resources: 

USH - The Gilded Age and Progressive Era Biography

Project Description - Jordan

Book List 

Print books the CEHS library has related to this project

Digital Resources 

You can use Noodletools to keep track of your sources for this project

Exporting Noodletools to Google Docs (Video Demo)

WH2 Sophomore Research Project

Useful CEHS Library Databases:

Maine Digital Library Recommendations



Searching for information online - avoiding misinformation

Searching in library databases - finding the right information 

Lateral Reading/Databases WH2H 2025 

APUSH Policy Paper (Young)

Noodletools - You will use this to keep track of the sources you find to support your argument. You can also use the note and outline features within Noodletools if you choose to. 

Library Resources (Print):

To find book resources use the Library Catalog. Search keywords relating to your topic. Avoid typing full sentences and stick to one or two key words. Make sure that your book is checked in at in the library before going to look for it in the shelf. 

U Maine Catalog - We can borrow books available at the University of Maine through interlibrary loans.  Books requested here will take a few days to arrive through the mail. 

Library Resources (Digital):

Check the Database Password List to see how to access these resources

Newspapers available through CEHS:

Digital Magazines through CEHS

Digital Maine Library Resources: